Hello! I'm Luke. Luke Miller.

Let's see. Where should I begin? I guess I'll take a cue from one of my favorite authors.

Bowing down in blind credulity before mere authority and tradition 1 ht: G.K. Chesterton, I am firmly of the opinion that I was born in 1985. I don't remember the occasion, and I have not been able to test the story by experiment or private judgment, but I accept the account as passed down to me by my parents and as stated on my birth certificate.

If there was an adoption story I assume I would have heard it by now.

I am writing an "autobiography with digressions" 2 P.G. Wodehouse, "Over Seventy" here if you want some snapshots of what has happened in my life since that time.

Welcome to my home on the internet!

Among other things, I'm using this page to experiment with what I'm learning about HTML/CSS. You can find the inspiration for all of this clickable magic here. The domain is mostly undeveloped right now. But I did plant a garden and carve out a stream. Feel free to explore them.

Eventually, I'd like to build something more substantial in this space. but for now, I'll just be tinkering around, doing my part here to tend the digital commons.

I read and write about things that capture my attention.

And I think "learning in public" (or "working with the garage door up") is an effective practice for lifelong students.

Generally, I'm interested in theology, philosophy, reading, writing, and product development.

Currently, I'm especially curious about the oxford tutorial system, sketching for non-artists, pattern languages, wordsmithing books (lexicons, encyclopedias, etc.), chess improvement, knowledge work, magna opera, Sensus Divinitatis, tools for thought, 3 e.g. Roam Research worldviews (paradigms), note-taking, and how people form beliefs. Among other things.

When I'm learning about something, I like to study the constellation of ideas, science, art, history, and practices that give it its shape and texture.

I'm currently working on a few personal projects that combine some of these interests.

A Pattern Language for Knowledge Work

I'm collecting and compiling "A Pattern Language for Knowledge Work", inspired by Christopher Alexander's fascinating work. Here's the basic outline:

In Section 1, I'm going to try to identify the basic ELEMENTS of knowledge work - the ∼60 icons of thought that form and inform what we know and what we do.

Section 2 will suggest some PATTERNS that can be used to address specific problems in knowledge work. These are flexible, reusable solutions to common problems in knowledge work.

And in Section 3, I'll explore some examples of how these patterns have been combined to form larger knowledge STRUCTURES.

Most of the garden is filled with the working notes for this project.

Worldview Map

I'm also working on a worldview map that provides a framework for how people form beliefs, make decisions, and find meaning. It will explore the four aspects of worldview formation: Catechesis, Narrative, Praxis, and Symbol.

Have a question, comment, or resource related to something here?

I'd love to hear from you. You can email me or send me a message. Thanks for stopping by!